Friday, January 18, 2013

Pets of Raseri

Merlin the kitten is owned by Tiffany. His favorite treat is tuna flavored snacks. He likes to play with shoe strings, lounge on the couch and chase the other cat Alfonzo.

Jude is Adrienne's cat, his nickname is "Jude the Dude", and his favorite treat is salmon flavored fancy feast. His hobbies include chasing toys and sleeping on Adrienne's head. Adrienne says, "Jude is a great cat. He is sweet and loves attention and playing. He likes to wake me up by licking my face. Jude is the best!"
Scooter (right) and Winston (left) are owned by Chris Lippert. Scooters nicknames include "Scoots, Pootsies, Pootsy Pies, Scooterius of the Scooterian Tribe" and Winstons are "Winnie and Puggles". Their favorite treats are pupperoni, chewnola and snausages. They enjoy barking when there is someone at the door, playing, sleeping, and eating. Chris says, "Scooter is a very loyal, alert, and feisty; while Winston is goofy, lazy, and fat, but loving."

Macy is owned by Erika, her nicknames are "Smacers and Fatty". She loves all food and treats, and she likes to chase lights, shadows and lasers as well as play fetch. Erika says she is very crazy, energetic and thinks everyone loves her, she loves to cuddle and be petted!

Bentley is owned by Nikki, his nickname is "Bent". His favorite treats are Christmas ornaments, ice cubes, cheese, and pillows and likes to play fetch and tug of war. Nikki says, "He keeps me in a great mood all of the time, I love having him around."