Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November is Movember

November is Movember here at Raseri, and we’re too excited! In honor of Men’s Health Month, we hope to raise awareness about men’s health issues by participating in the Movember festivities. 

In the spirit of fun and the hope of raising awareness, our male employees are growing out their mustaches to support the cause. The whole idea behind this is to get people talking about, and hopefully taking action to prevent, prostate and testicular cancer.   Research has shown that during the month of Movember, 43% became more aware and educated about the health risks they face, while 67% recommended that someone else see a doctor.

The goal this month is not only to grow a striking mo, but to get men to be proactive about their specific health risks. So have fun while supporting a good cause! If you’d like to contribute, visit My Mo Space or donate in person at our office drop box.

Always remember, “Knowledge is power and mustache is king”. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Zanner Cramme

Zanner Cramme has been spending a lot of time in our office lately, so we thought you all should get to know him a little better! He is one of three assistant managers in our Oklahoma City office. He grew up in Richmond, Virginia and went to Ohio State as a psychology major. He realized that he just wasn't passionate about that particular line of work, so here he is!

Raseri- What do you like about this job?

Zanner Cramme- I like a lot of things. It’s a fun atmosphere. I get to hang out with buddies and everyone has common goals. It’s a lot of fun and I’m not caged up at a desk all day.

Raseri- What do you like to do on weekends?

ZC- Watch sports- I’m a big Buckeye fan. I hang out with friends. I like music and I play the drums. I do that whenever I get the chance.

Raseri- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

ZC- Happy. Buying a cottage for mom in Holland and going golfing with dad in Scotland.

Raseri- What professional goals do you want to reach by the end of the year?

ZC- Help at least one other person get promoted, help my buddy James who is opening his own business, help him get going, and learn a lot in the process. And yes, I’m a Thunder fan- big time.

Thanks, Zanner!