Monday, November 5, 2012

Zanner Cramme

Zanner Cramme has been spending a lot of time in our office lately, so we thought you all should get to know him a little better! He is one of three assistant managers in our Oklahoma City office. He grew up in Richmond, Virginia and went to Ohio State as a psychology major. He realized that he just wasn't passionate about that particular line of work, so here he is!

Raseri- What do you like about this job?

Zanner Cramme- I like a lot of things. It’s a fun atmosphere. I get to hang out with buddies and everyone has common goals. It’s a lot of fun and I’m not caged up at a desk all day.

Raseri- What do you like to do on weekends?

ZC- Watch sports- I’m a big Buckeye fan. I hang out with friends. I like music and I play the drums. I do that whenever I get the chance.

Raseri- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

ZC- Happy. Buying a cottage for mom in Holland and going golfing with dad in Scotland.

Raseri- What professional goals do you want to reach by the end of the year?

ZC- Help at least one other person get promoted, help my buddy James who is opening his own business, help him get going, and learn a lot in the process. And yes, I’m a Thunder fan- big time.

Thanks, Zanner!