Hometown: Sylvania, OH
School/Major: Bowling Green State University, Business-Supply Chain Management
School/Major: Bowling Green State University, Business-Supply Chain Management
Fun Fact: I've been told I look like Tom Brady several times.
Biggest Strength: My work ethic.
Hobbies: Lacrosse, reading, work hard play hard!
Never Leave the House Without: My wallet.
Favorite Long Term Goal: Financial Freedom for my family
Quick Answers Time!
Mountains or Beach
Coffee or Tea or Energy Drink
Energy Drink
Winter or Summer
Water or Snow (ski/boarding)
I’d like to thank… Everyone who has supported me before and during this job and my family and friends who have always been my biggest fans. I'd also like to thank Rick for giving me this opportunity, Frank for hiring me, and everyone at Raseri for helping with my training. I've made great friends and am very excited to blow up the future. This is a phenomenal opportunity to grow as a person and have fun while doing it!