Thursday, June 26, 2014

Raseri Inc New Leader Spotlight: Casey Wertepny

Name: Casey Wertepny

Hometown: Middletown, OH

School/Major: Bowling Green State University, Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Start Date with Raseri Inc: 5/27/14

What are your main “keys to success” with Raseri Inc?
My keys to success are having a great student mentality and always being ready and open to learn new information and just having fun with it. This helps me with my success every day with Raseri, Inc.

So far, what is your favorite part of working at Raseri Inc?
The atmosphere, everyone is super supportive and positive.

What specific goals do you have for the next year? What are you most looking forward to?
I want to get promoted to assistant manager as soon as possible and become a manager the next year. I’m most looking forward to being my own boss and making money to support my family.

What advice would you give to others who are looking to hit leadership qualifications at Raseri Inc?
Always be open to learning new things and inundate those who know more than you with questions to learn as much as possible from them. Also set lofty goals to really push yourself as far as you can go.

Personal Fun Fact…
I have a cat that I am training to be a dog- he comes when called and plays fetch.

I’d like to thank… 

I would like to thank Alex, Jonathan, and Tarra for training me. Also, I want to thank John and everyone on the team for encouraging me as I was going for the record (Which I broke!). Finally, everyone in the office for their support and positivity, without all of you I would not have been nearly as successful as I have been.