There are times where we all need a kick in the ass, a wake up call if you want to call it that way. So that’s why today I decided to show you 12 of my favourite powerful quotes that have stuck with me in the long run. Short sentences that I simply like to remind myself, when things get hard. If you have any quotes that you would like to add, please share them in the comments below. Enjoy!
12 Of The Most Powerful Quotes You Will Ever Read
1. The people who care about you will accept you for who you are, so don’t be afraid to show the real you.
2. Every person you meet in this world has something to teach you.
3. Forgive, because you deserve inner peace and as Mahatma Gandhi said forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
4. To risk nothing, is to risk everything. Don’t be afraid to change, if you don’t like where you are, you can always move, you are not a tree.
5. If someone is nice to you but rude to the waiter, they are not a nice person.
6. What you do in private, when nobody is watching, that’s what matters. That’s the real you.
7. Adapt to the environment, we as humans have the ability to adapt to almost everything.
8. Don’t let your dreams, goals and ambitions die, they have been given to you for a reason.
9. Don’t be afraid of being rejected, be afraid of not trying.
10. You can’t learn something new by talking, you can only learn by listening.
11. You don’t fail when you get knocked down or when you lose, you only fail when you quit.
12.”Unless you’re the lead dog of the sled, the view never changes.” Following the crowd means living the same life as the crowd. You don’t want that.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed these quotes and please don’t forget to share the wisdom with your friends and family.
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