Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Raseri Inc Employee Spotlight: Eli Ezratty

Name: David "Eli"  Ezratty

Hometown: Dayton, Ohio

Start Date with Raseri:
February 7th, 2014

What are your main “keys to success” with Raseri Inc?

Definitely my notebook, and people who trained me. Everyday I take a plethora of notes and every night I would go over them at least once. Next day I would apply it all.

So far, what is your favorite part of working with the team at Raseri Inc? 
Without a doubt, the office atmosphere. Never have I worked in a friendlier or more exciting place than Raseri Inc..

What specific goals do you have for the next year? What are you most looking forward to?
I plan on being promoted to assistant manager by November of 2014. And I am most looking forward to all of the amazing travel opportunities at Raseri Inc.

What advice would you give to others who are looking to hit leadership qualifications?
Take notes, take notes, take notes. And then, subsequently, read them, read them, read them. If you're unsure of something ask. 

Personal Fun Fact…
I have been to 7 different countries outside U.S.

I’d like to thank…  
Rick for hiring me. Had he not, then I wouldn't have this amazing opportunity in front of me. So thanks, Rick!   

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