Monday, April 27, 2015

5 Ways to Rock Your Monday

It's Monday! Set yourself up well to show up big.


Creator, IEP Method
It's another Monday (or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...). Your calendar is richly scheduled. Lots of conversations to have. More on your to-do list than possible. And you have to show up for impact. A lot of it.
How you show up today will not only influence yourself and the rest of your week; it will also impact your inspiration prowess and how your people show up (your employees, peers, teams, kids, friends, even your dog).
Adding a bit of intention and some extra self-care can help set yourself up for an "end of day" that leaves you feeling productive, powerful, and like you rocked your Monday. Or exhausted, overwhelmed, and like you got rocked by Monday. It doesn't take a lot, a little goes a LONG way.
Here are 5 simple things you can do today, starting right now, to get the most out of your day:
1. Play 10/3/30: Spend 10 minutes at the beginning of the day setting your master intentions for the day (and even your week). (What do you want to get done? How do you want to show up? How do you want to feel? Who do you want to connect with?) Then before any meeting that day/week, give yourself 3 minutes to check in on how you're doing with your master intentions and to set specific intentions for that meeting or conversation. During the meeting, check in periodically (30 seconds) to ensure you're on track.
2. Make a "What I can control" list: There's going to be a ton of stuff you can't control today. That's life. Your job as leader is to navigate and show up well. If you're feeling overwhelmed, or just want to be a stronger anchor in the storm, creating a "What I can control" list, and then acting upon it, is powerful. What can you control? How kind you are, what food you put in your body, how present you stay, how often you check your phone, telling your truth, making requests, your posture, your 10/3/30... You get the idea. Find 5 things YOU can control, and then lean into them.
3. Be present: Of course this is on this list. If you're thinking about the past or the future, you're not here. The past is done. The future is to be created. Be here in this moment right now. Great news, you get to learn from the past and bring that wisdom with you into the present moment, and that wisdom, and your presence in this moment, will inform your future.
4. Eat well, hydrate, move, and take care: Plan for yourself here. Set yourself up for success today by putting good quality food in your body, drinking plenty of water, moving around, and taking really good care of yourself. The better fueled and energized you are, the easier it will be to navigate anything that comes up on this lovely Monday.
5. Journal learning and best practices: Spend 5 minutes at the end of your day (or the beginning or even better, both) and journal what you learned, what you're celebrating, what you're grateful for, and best practices from the day you'd like to remember moving forward. And then throw in some gratitude: Thank the day, thank your body, thank everything and everyone who contributed to you (if even just energetically) and go to bed. Your next day awaits.
We could go on here with this list, right? Other things you might play with? Gratitude journaling, asking for help, making an awesome lunch date, doing something great with your team, giving people acknowledgements, taking the day off... Yep... Many more we could add here. What are your best practices for making Mondays (or any day) rock?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Raseri Columbus New Leader Spotlight: Christopher L. Hildebrand

Name: Christopher L. Hildebrand

Hometown: Toledo, OH

School/Major: Owens Community College/Electrical Engineering
Fun Fact: I grew up in Florida

Biggest Strength: Mathematic Skills

Hobbies: Gaming

Never Leave the House Without: Wallet

Favorite Long Term Goal: To reach outer space!

Quick Answers Time!
Mountains or Beach
Coffee or Tea or Energy Drink
Winter or Summer
Water or Snow (ski/boarding)
I’d like to thank… Rick Knutsen and our entire office for the opportunities provided and the help achieving my goals.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Raseri, Inc Employee Spotlight: Hannah Moore

Name: Hannah Moore

Hometown: Ida, MI

School/Major: Monroe County Community College/General Administration
Fun Fact: My favorite book is "Dracula" by Bran Stoker

Biggest Strength: Seeing the good in others

Hobbies: Yoga, Disc Jockey, and laughing! Life is humorous!

Never Leave the House Without: Chapstick!

Favorite Long Term Goal: Looking back at my life when I am old and enjoying all the memories and love.  Being satisfied and content with my accomplishments.

Quick Answers Time!
Mountains or Beach
Coffee or Tea or Energy Drink
Winter or Summer
Water or Snow (ski/boarding)
Snow - Snow mobiles! and going up north
I’d like to thank… My family and friends for all of their support and encouragement on a daily basis.  I am truly blessed with the people in my life.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

12 of The Most Powerful Quotes You Will Ever Read

There are times where we all need a kick in the ass, a wake up call if you want to call it that way. So that’s why today I decided to show you 12 of my favourite powerful quotes that have stuck with me in the long run. Short sentences that I simply like to remind myself, when things get hard. If you have any quotes that you would like to add, please share them in the comments below. Enjoy!

12 Of The Most Powerful Quotes You Will Ever Read

1. The people who care about you will accept you for who you are, so don’t be afraid to show the real you.
Be who you are and say what you think because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
2. Every person you meet in this world has something to teach you.
Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't.
3. Forgive, because you deserve inner peace and as Mahatma Gandhi said forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.
4. To risk nothing, is to risk everything. Don’t be afraid to change, if you don’t like where you are, you can always move, you are not a tree.
Growth is painful, change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong.
5. If someone is nice to you but rude to the waiter, they are not a nice person.
If you want to know what a man is like, take a look at how he treats his inferiors not his equals.
6. What you do in private, when nobody is watching, that’s what matters. That’s the real you.
It's what you practice in private that you will be rewarded for in public.
7. Adapt to the environment, we as humans have the ability to adapt to almost everything.
It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.
8. Don’t let your dreams, goals and ambitions die, they have been given to you for a reason.
The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live.
9. Don’t be afraid of being rejected, be afraid of not trying.
When somebody tells you no, it doesn't mean you can't do it, it simply means you can't do it with them.
10. You can’t learn something new by talking, you can only learn by listening.
When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know but if you listen, you may learn something new.
11. You don’t fail when you get knocked down or when you lose, you only fail when you quit.
You don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there.
12.”Unless you’re the lead dog of the sled, the view never changes.” Following the crowd means living the same life as the crowd. You don’t want that.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed these quotes and please don’t forget to share the wisdom with your friends and family.

Read more:

Raseri, Inc. Charity Drive for Cherry Street Mission

Raseri, Inc Cherry St Mission Charity Drive
Raseri, Inc Cherry St Mission Charity Drive

Raseri, Inc. will be holding a charity drive for the Cherry Street Mission.  All donations should be made by 3 P.M. on Saturday April, 11th.

Cherry Street has served the homeless and poor in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan–24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year–since 1947. Cherry Street Mission Ministries is the largest organization serving the homeless and poor in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan and they turn no one away.

Each day, they house over 230 men and women providing more than 880 meals, as well as clean clothing and basic necessities to homeless and people who would otherwise go without. They empower people to break the bonds of homelessness and poverty and build new lives for themselves through a variety of programs and services.

"It is our mission to help improve the community where we work and play.  Giving back is a core part of our values at Raseri, Inc and something our team is extremely passionate about." Rick Knutsen, Raseri, Inc President

Clothing and shoes will be taken as well as the following items from their high need list:

Care Package Items:

Top 10 Most Needed Items:
Laundry Detergent
Canned or fresh fruits & vegetables
Meat of any kind
Cooking Oil
Meat of any kind
Twin Blankets and Comforters

Rick Knutsen

5 Things to Look for in Your Next Incredible Mentor

You'll need help and advice to get ahead in life. Here's what the best coaches understand and how you can find them.

Ask the most successful people you know how they got where they are and they'll likely mention at least one mentor who helped them along the way. Whether you're on the giving or receiving end of an investment of time, energy and advice, it's important to see mentoring for what it is: A priceless gift. That's according to Steve Pogorzelski, CEO of Avention, a Concord, Massachusetts-based sales enablement and business information solutions provider. Whether you want to be a good mentor or find one who will help you get to the next level, here's what he says you need to know about the best mentoring relationships.

Praise is not necessarily part of the deal.

Many people say they want a mentor, when really they just want attention and strokes, not necessarily the kind of constructive feedback that results in personal and professional growth. "If you look at, for example, the greatest athletes, entrepreneurs, investors, they all eagerly accepted coaching or had great mentors," Pogorzelski says. "To me, those types of people, their curiosity and their self-awareness and their desire to be better drove them to seek people who could help them do that."

Silence breeds failure.

Good mentors help people grow through frank conversations that may be difficult to have. Mentoring managers, for example, give constructive feedback continually so that no employee should be surprised when it's performance appraisal time. "There's typically a large number of people who are surprised by their appraisals. And to me that's a sign of a weak or poor manager," he says.

The person being coached needs to able to withstand candid feedback.

Pogorzelski says people come into his office and want advice or feedback. "And I'll say, 'I'm going to hurt you. If you really want it, you're gonna get hurt right now. I'm only doing it because it's in your best interest, but you have to be ready to take it,'" he says.

Active listening and empathy build relationship.

And relationship is what keeps a mentor-mentee relationship working. Once it becomes obligatory, the benefit to both individuals quickly dissipates. "Relationships diminish over time because it's a check-the-box corporate exercise," he says.

Your mentor should be someone you admire and want to emulate.

Aligning yourself with someone because of his or her title or for political gain is the worst idea, Pogorzelski says. Don't have a wise person you admire in your life? Start hanging out at industry or incubator events and widen your pool of associations. "I would go to any type of venture capital gathering I could," he says. "And I would use the heck out of LinkedIn and try to garner as many introductions as I could."