Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Raseri Inc Employee Spotlight: Chris Lippert

Chris Lippert is one of the hard workers who recently got promoted to leadership. We wanted to find out what motivated him to get to leader status, and here’s what he had to say:

Raseri- What is your typical work day like?

Chris- I get to see all the people I like, have one-on-ones with some of the top guys, train, transfer some knowledge, get pumped-up at atmosphere, and have some fun in the field.

R- What do you like most about your job?

CL- We work with fun, young, competitive people who help each other with their goals.

R- What motivates you to do a good job?

CL- The fact that I can be running my own office in less than two years.

R- Which accomplishment in the last year or two are you most proud of?

CL- Getting promoted to leadership in this office

R- What aspects of your job do you find the most challenging or frustrating?

CL- The most frustrating would be learning by making mistakes. Nobody likes to, but that’s what makes it so rewarding- to learn from it. You have to make it right for the next time.

R- Is there anything that didn’t go as you had hoped? Why?
CL- No, not really. Progressing at my own pace got me where I am.

R- Have you set any personal goals to help you grow as a professional?

CL- Absolutely. I set three and six week goals.

R- What specific opportunities could you pursue this year to advance those goals?

CL- Consistently show results while training. Meet with all the top guys and have one-on-ones outside the office.

R- What do you and your peers do to support each other?

CL- We hang out a lot outside the office. It keeps me coming back. We have fun with each other in and out of the office. We have positive attitudes. When we hit our goals, we help others hit theirs.

R- What advice would you give to someone hoping to get promoted to leadership?

CL- I would tell them to hang-out as much as possible, pick the top guys’ brains, go to top management meetings, keep constant contact with leaders, and stay in contact with the right people.